Rock Creek Cemetery – Polk County Tennessee

Rock Creek Cemetery in Polk County, Tennessee is also known as Cloud Cemetery. On USGS maps, this cemetery is listed as Price Cemetery.

Rock Creek Cemetery is also known as Cloud Cemetery. On USGS maps, this cemetery is listed as Price Cemetery.

Overlooking the junction where the Ocoee River outflows into Lake Ocoee, an abandoned cemetery sits high on a hilltop. The lack of road access to this cemetery necessitates a scramble through wooded wilderness to reach the dozen marked gravesites. Some plots can only be differentiated from the surrounding forest by their caved-in appearance. Other plots are marked with simply field stones while others, still, are marked with hand carved gravestones. One gravesite, that of Revolutionary War soldier John White, stands out among the rest with a well maintained military headstone.

Rock Creek Cemetery risks fading from memory as it fades from view; obscured by the ever encroaching Cherokee National Forest.

Here is the Google Earth file of the significant stops I made as I searched for Rock Creek Cemetery.

Click below to play video of this newest cemetery exploration adventure.