Cemeteries of Bridgeport, Alabama and Haletown, Tennessee

The Cemetery Detective explores cemeteries between Bridgeport, Alabama and Haletown, Tennessee.

I first became fond of trains while visiting Great Britain the year after I graduated college. That summer, I rode trains all the way to the northern-most reaches of mainland Scotland to a small town called John O’ Groats. Only recently have I rediscovered my love of trains with my exploration of cemeteries around the TAG (Tennessee – Alabama – Georgia) Railroad line leading from Chattanooga, Tennessee to Gadsden, Alabama.

After the TAG Cemeteries Documentary was complete, I further investigated railroads and their relation to nearby cemeteries. As such, I began investigating a railroad line which runs from Haletown, Tennessee to Bridgeport, Alabama. Though I’ve driven under the Running Water Creek Railroad Bridge hundreds of times, I had not investigated its origin. When I began researching this bridge, I found a fascinatingly long history through several iterations of railroad bridges in this area. Below is my Cemetery Documentary on this railroad bridge, U.S. Civil War actions that affected previous bridges, the land of the Cherokee before Euro-Americans moved into the area, a local cornbread festival, and, of course, the culturally significant cemeteries that dot the surrounding landscape.

If you enjoy my cemetery research, please send me a message to let me know of your favorite cemetery. Perhaps I will visit it one day soon.

Best regards:


The Cemetery Detective explores cemeteries between Haletown, Tennessee and Bridgeport, Alabama.

Join Keith as he not only explores the cemeteries of this historically significant swath of Tennessee and Alabama but also delves into the history of the local communities.

Keith begins at the current Running Water Creek Railroad Bridge. The original bridge was built not far from here prior to the War Between The States. That bridge was demolished by Confederate Soldiers in an effort to stem the advance of Union forces moving into the area to take control of Chattanooga, TN. The bridge has lived through several iterations that fell victim to flood or old age. The current bridge was built in 1968. It is in daily use.

Keith also takes us to Whiteside, Tennessee. Prior to it being called Whiteside, the community was called Running Water. Determined Cherokee Tribal Leader Dragging Canoe lived here the final 10 years of his life. Dragging Canoe staged his struggle against Euro-Americans who were streaming onto Cherokee lands via the Federal Road.

Cemeteries dot the landscape within short distance of the railroad track that cuts through the countryside.

Hale Cemetery
Hale Cemetery
Ladds Switch Cemetery
Graham Cemetery
Clouse Cemetery
Burnett Cemetery
New Hope Cemetery
Whited Family Cemetery
Harris Chapel Cemetery
South Pittsburg City Cemetery
Patton Cemetery
Patton Cemetery Annex
Gunter Cemetery
Abbot Cemetery
Mount Carmel Cemetery
Rocky Springs Cemetery
Bonaventure Cemetery

While in Bridgeport, Alabama, Keith explores the Bridgeport Railroad Museum and is fascinated with the Bridgeport Lift Bridge.

Having crossed Running Water Creek Railroad Bridge earlier in the day, the train enters Bridgeport by crossing the Tennessee River only a few feet from a 1/4 mile long walking bridge.

As a final stop, Keith visits the Virgin of the Poor Shrine in New Hope, Tennessee.

Lunch Time Hunt For An Abandoned Cemetery

I sped away from the city at lunchtime to search for an abandoned cemetery.

This is a selection on the Hunt for an Abandoned Cemetery from the JUNE 2018 Edition of “The Cemetery Detective” Fan Club Newsletter.
Fan Club subscription fees help Keith with expenses associated with his cemetery research, documentation, and cleanup efforts.
Join the Fan Club here: The Cemetery Detective Fan Club

A One Hour Abandoned Cemetery Hunting Trip

Hunting for a Cemetery

I speed away from the city for lunch,
venturing deep into rural Tennessee.

Onto an abandoned government road.
Ducking beneath a locked barricade.

Asphalt gives way to the constant creep of nature.

I scramble through brambles.
Briars cling to my clothing as if to grasp and keep me for their own.
Pricks and thorns dig into my skin as if to taste the pinprick drops of blood they elicit.

Overgrown Cemetery

Clawing my way through scrub so dense a fox would not venture even if trying to outwit a pack of hounds, I am not deterred from my destination.

I find myself in an aromatic thicket of honeysuckle swarmed by bees.
Non-threatening buzzing alerts me to their presence.
They mind me not. I mind them not.

Field Daisy Cemetery

Honeysuckle gives way to field daisies.
Field daisies give way to periwinkle.

Abandoned Building

And, as nature opens up, I find my quest.

There, beyond the confines of an imperfectly laid stone wall, a single grave marker rises above the dense greenery.

Single Gravestone in a Cemetery

I stand amazed at the splendor.
Transfixed by what I have found.
But, alas, a bee’s buzz and strong wafting honeysuckle fragrance
reminds me; lunch is almost over, I must get back to the city.

2018 Keith Harper
From The Cemetery Detective Newsletter June 2018
The Cemetery Detective Fan Club